Today: NARAL blames pro-lifers for Gosnell. Please share and re-post.

“Gosnell trial should sound alarm.” Yes, it should. But consider the source of that headline: today’s Blog for Choice entry by NARAL Pro-Choice America, which has an affiliate in New Hampshire.

Late to the event, abortion advocates are making up for lost time on the Gosnell case by fabricating a narrative that “anti-choice” forces (that’s Newspeak for “pro-life”) are to blame for Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s work in Philadelphia. NARAL’s entire blog post is available for your edification and astonishment at the link in the previous paragraph. A few choice extracts:

  • “We may never know why Gosnell preyed on women and put their lives at risk. But what we do know is why women would turn to someone like him instead of a reputable provider elsewhere: anti-choice politics have put safe, affordable, legal abortion care out of reach for many women.”
  • “One woman said she turned to Gosnell because the anti-choice protesters outside Planned Parenthood were too intimidating.”
  • “The horrific conditions in Gosnell’s clinic are an example of what happens to women and our basic dignity when abortion isn’t available through safe and legal providers. It is why we fight every day.”

Here is what NARAL did NOT mention about Gosnell in today’s press release/blog post:

  • He is on trial for killing a woman named Karnamaya Mongar. NARAL did not mention her name or the fact that Gosnell is on trial for her murder.
  • He is on trial for the murders of seven children who survived abortion.
  • He is on trial, period.

About “safe and legal providers”:

  • NARAL Pro-Choice New Hampshire has sent a lobbyist to every hearing in New Hampshire in recent years on bills to require reporting of abortion statistics, establish genuine informed consent, and require increased scrutiny of abortion providers. We are supposed to accept providers’ claims of “safe” at face value.
  • Gosnell’s facility had protesters outside, when it was operating, so NARAL’s report about “anti-choice protesters” serving to discourage women doesn’t hold water. (Source:
  • In New Hampshire, the abortion providers who send lobbyists to Concord claim that their facilities do not do late-term abortions (Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, Concord Feminist Health Center, Lovering Health Center). For the abortions they do provide, the cost goes up as pregnancy becomes more advanced and abortion becomes more complicated. It makes gruesome sense that Gosnell would charge more, since he did late-term abortions. That’s the market the abortion industry itself has developed. For late-term work, “affordable” would have to mean “cut-rate.”
  • Gosnell WAS “reputable”, as far as the state of Pennsylvania was concerned. Also, as far as the state was concerned, he was operating “legally.” Women going to him for abortions weren’t likely to know he was a butcher. A woman named Semika Shaw died at his facility in 2002, but that wasn’t enough to prompt a state investigation, nor did it draw attention from abortion lobbyists.
  • Abortion advocates in New Hampshire, and possibly in Gosnell’s Pennsylvania as well, have fought to keep the names of abortion providers anonymous. It will be nearly impossible to hold an abortionist accountable for killing or injuring a woman if she or he is operating under that kind of cloak.

Remember, Gosnell’s butchery was only discovered by law enforcement by accident. Resistance to abortion regulation is what kept his business humming along. NARAL is an integral part of that resistance.

“It is why we fight every day,” as NARAL’s blogger writes. Tell that to the family of Karnamaya Mongar, whose dignity and life were lost at the hands of workers at a facility that was “safe and legal” in the eyes of Pennsylvania lawmakers and health care regulators.

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